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March 2025 In something of a "Seniors Moment", I forgot to update the homebrew menu and this section relating to a project I did late 2024. That project is an update of one from the RSGB Radcom magazine of Sept 1999 - 'Turn Your Dip Meter into a Signal Generator'. Presented here as 'Grid Dip Meter (GDO) Add on' under the Homebrew menu.

November 2024 Phillipe F6ETI has done some serious testing on the Noise Canceller and shown it works up to 72MHz and is usable with some loss at 145MHz. Links to his website with photo's, video's and description of the testing on the Noise Canceller page.

September 2023 Long time between drinks, but not much happening on the tech front at the moment. Added another couple of rants to the rant page.

January 2023 Updated the AD9833 VFO code to use a 12F1840.

December 2022 Added rant about todays useless (internet) search engines.

November 2022 NEW Project An AD9833 Based Simple VFO. FT101ZD VFO project updated.

October 2022 A replacement internal DDS VFO for FT101Z/ZD rigs. Because the worlds postage system has gone totally bonkers and it is not possible to send a small pcb anywhere except at extreme cost, I am slowly making available the option to purchase pcb's from Pcbway. First up is the Simple DDS VFO 2017 project pcb. Others will be added over time. Noise Canceller kits available again- see Noise Canceller page.

Privacy Policy uploaded. GPDR and all that stuff In accordance with various bits of legislation around the world, either currently in force, about to come into force or proposed, you will now find that annoying "We use cookies" notice at the top of this website. The full Privacy Policy is available at the Privacy Policy link in the footer at the bottom of the page. (If you don't know what GPDR is, Google it. Real scary shit for ANYBODY with a web presence.)

Model Railway Electronic Project - Random Flasher - Under construction - Dec 2017

All the Model Railway Electronic Project web pages are a work in progress at the moment, so they may ramble a bit or be a bit disorganised while I refine the various pages. Most of these projects were done quite some years ago without much documentation, so I'm in the process of documenting them, which may take a little while. In the mean time, what I have is being put up here. Back in the mists of time, emergency vehicles only had one rotating light on the roof. If you stood and watched them long enough, they would slowly change from a few randomly flashing lights to flashing in unison and slowly drifting off back to a collection of random flashing lights. That was the basis for this project. Of course, you don't have to use it for emergency vehicles, it could be used anywhere a few flashing lights are needed. You only need to change the colour of the LED's used to suit the scenario.

Random flashing lights schematic

(Click picture for larger view. Click again to close.)

I have designed a 'Universal' pcb that can be used for several different projects (that is why the 'Not fitted' references in the schematic above), but have not yet made one to make sure there are no problems with it. In the meantime, below is a preview of the pcb.

Universal Model Railway project pcb

To do: Expand this webpage with more info. Make a small diorama and video it to show how it operates. More as I think of it.

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